Author Archives: Kavon
What would you like to see, hear, participate in at the 2011 UnSymposium?
On Monday, June 27th at ISTE SIG Virtual Environments we had the opportunity to talk about more than just logging in to virtual worlds. For some of us, our PLN (personal learning network) is our personal learning community and provides us with professional development. (For more … Continue reading
Vote for People’s Choice for ISTE SIGVE Machinima Fest
The ISTE Special Interest Group Virtual Environments (SIGVE) is holding a People’s Choice Award for its student category. This Machinima Fest is truly international with submissions from Great Britain, Indonesia, Australia and the United States. Whether you can attend F2F … Continue reading
A MOOC and your PLN
Do you know what a MOOC is? It’s a Massively Open Online Course. It’s kind of a play on a MMORPG ( Massively Online Role-Playing Game). I participated or played PLENK2010 (Personal Learning Environments and Network Knowledge) and LAK11 (Learning … Continue reading
Building Your PLN over the next 2 weeks
Are VWBPE (Virtual Worlds Best Practices) people part of your PLN (personal learning network)? They should be. And over the next two weeks, there’s a couple of places to follow them, meet them and attend events inworld. For Participants and … Continue reading